YouTubers I Enjoy (3)

Today’s blog I am going to tell you people about 3 YouTubers that I enjoy and actually influenced my to start a YouTube career. The 3 YouTubers are Shane Dawson, Ricky Dillon, and Jenn McAllister.

First my favorite YouTuber of all time Shane Dawson. Shane is so funny and entertaining to all of his viewers. Shane is one of those people that just doesnt care what people think. He has 3 channels his main channel ShaneDawsonTv is a great channel but most of his fans watch his channel named Shane ( His daily video channel). Shane has been in 3 movies Internet Famous, Not Cool, and Smiley. If you have never heard of Shane or never seen his videos/movies you should definitely check him out. 

Next YouTuber Ricky Dillon, one of the boys from O2L has a popular YouTube channel. Ricky is so enthusiastic, and creative with his channel. He has a great sense of humor and his channel is so full of his personality. I think Ricky is definitely going to grow so much throughout the years. You should definitely check out his channel, and also he is going on tour soon! If you seem interested in meeting the Ricky Dillon go check out his channel for more info. 

Jenn McAllister is such a great YouTuber, and has grown a lot. Jenn is a young woman who is funny, pretty, and always smiling or laughing. Her channel is so bright and all of her videos consist of creativity. Jenn’s channel is named jennxpenn, Jenn is actually friends with Ricky Dillon and Andrew Lowe. She also created a YouTube Red show called foursome that is hilarious, and romantic. You should go check out her channel and her YouTube Red series for lots of laughs. 

I hope you enjoyed today’s blog about my favorite YouTubers! If you have any interests in checking out their channels I will have their links down below. Let me know what you’re favorite YouTubers are or if you like any of mine! See you tomorrow!!💜💜




~Hello World~

img_1182Hey everyone, I’m Meg A.K.A MajesticMeg. This is my first blog that I am doing for my daily blogs. I’m not going to try to make this blog perfect, because that would mean I have to make every other blog perfect, and that would make me fake. I’m just going to write my blogs as if I am talking to a close friend.

First of all, my blogs will mostly contain stories about me or just me talking about my life. Some days I might just write the most random things, and I hope that you are okay with that.

This blog is not going to be the longest, because it’s my first blog. But I want to let everyone know some things I have in mind at firsthand.

My dream is to become a movie director, you know like those famous people that make movies, and get paid a lot ( Yeah that’s me). Since I’m too young to even begin that, I want a to start a YouTube channel. I will be starting either in December or the beginning of 2017 for a fresh start.

My YouTube channel will hopefully be weekly videos by that I mean once a week. Of me doing random things in front of a camera for entertainment. Obviously I’m not going to grow crazy, but I hope I grow somewhat. Becoming a YouTuber with just a few fans would be amazing, not for the popularity, but for the fun and excitement of it all.

I really don’t have much more to talk about on today’s blog, but tomorrow I will be posting another one. I hope you enjoyed my blog today, and had a wonderful evening! See you people tomorrow!    Byeeee❤️❤️