~Hello World~

img_1182Hey everyone, I’m Meg A.K.A MajesticMeg. This is my first blog that I am doing for my daily blogs. I’m not going to try to make this blog perfect, because that would mean I have to make every other blog perfect, and that would make me fake. I’m just going to write my blogs as if I am talking to a close friend.

First of all, my blogs will mostly contain stories about me or just me talking about my life. Some days I might just write the most random things, and I hope that you are okay with that.

This blog is not going to be the longest, because it’s my first blog. But I want to let everyone know some things I have in mind at firsthand.

My dream is to become a movie director, you know like those famous people that make movies, and get paid a lot ( Yeah that’s me). Since I’m too young to even begin that, I want a to start a YouTube channel. I will be starting either in December or the beginning of 2017 for a fresh start.

My YouTube channel will hopefully be weekly videos by that I mean once a week. Of me doing random things in front of a camera for entertainment. Obviously I’m not going to grow crazy, but I hope I grow somewhat. Becoming a YouTuber with just a few fans would be amazing, not for the popularity, but for the fun and excitement of it all.

I really don’t have much more to talk about on today’s blog, but tomorrow I will be posting another one. I hope you enjoyed my blog today, and had a wonderful evening! See you people tomorrow!    Byeeee❤️❤️

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